Parent Communities


Parent Communities

Parents are the first faith educators of their children

The family forms the first Christian community. It is where young people learn to live faith through action and words. Families are formed in their faith through partnership with the parish and school.
It is the parish community which invites and welcomes new members and continues to nurture their faith throughout their lives. It is within this community that people learn what it is to be Catholic.
It is the role of parents as primary educators of their children to present them for initiation into the Christian community. Catholic schools complement parishes and support families by forming and developing young people in the Catholic faith.
The parish is where initiation into the faith is celebrated and nurtured through the sacraments. Sacraments are events for the whole Catholic community to celebrate together and this is reflected when families, parish and schools in partnership, prepare and celebrate the sacraments as a community.
By the nature of their mission and mandate, Catholic schools assist parishes in their responsibilities to parents by providing the knowledge and understanding of the Catholic faith including knowledge of the sacraments.

Catholic School Parents SA (CSPSA)

Empowering parents and carers through leadership, communication, advocacy and partnership.

Catholic School Parents South Australia (CSPSA) is an organisation that aims to promote and support parents and families by providing a voice for education and issues which affect their children.

CSPSA is the voice for parents and carers from the 101 Catholic schools in SA, ensuring their voices are heard in policy and decision making that impacts their children.

They offer a range of resources to assist you in feeling confident leading your children through their schooling years and establish their Catholic identity. These resources include a range of interactive workshops, forums and other events for parents to attend and be involved.

CSPSA is closely aligned with Catholic School Parents Australia, the national body representing and advocating for parents and carers of young people in Catholic schools across Australia.

Visit the Catholic School Parents SA website for more information.

Charter for Parents

Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Adelaide and the Diocese of Port Pirie work in partnership with parents and carers and their school communities to promote a shared responsibility for the education of each child. 

A Charter for Parents, endorsed by the South Australian Commission for Catholic Schools, provides the principles and expectations of both parents and schools to achieve this partnership.

A thriving relationship between parents and schools provides a powerful environment for the flourishing of each and every child. 

Download the 'CSPSA Charter for Parents' or read more on the CSPSA website.